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Power Apps Cards for starters

Foto del escritor: Ana Inés Urrutia Ana Inés Urrutia

Are you new to Power Apps Cards? No worries, all of us are. The functionality is still new and updates are made constantly. In this guide, I summarize a couple of cool resources that are worth reading before jumping into it:

What the hell are Power Apps Cards?

What should I know before getting started?

Let's get into it, what are the elements I can use for the cards?

And the controls?

What about buttons?

Ok, I know Microsoft documentation is cool. But I need hands-on content.

My customer wants a couple of screens, how can I address this requirement?

I want to store data, illuminate me!

What about interacting with other apps?

Can I use Power Fx?

My QA team wants to make sure everything works perfectly...

How can I deliver the content of the Card?

What about automating the card triggered by a certain event?

And using Dataverse as a data source?

All good, but I need a little Governance

I want to demo cards with my prospects, are there any resources to do so?

I'm on the lookout for learning resources, but I haven´t found anything in Microsoft Learn yet. Do you feel like something is missing? Is there anything else you would like to know? Let me know and I'll try to find out.

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