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Ignite is over! And now is all about the lessons learnt. This year the experience was AMAZING, and I will share why.
Reason #1: Accessibility
A digital event worldwide that provided sessions in all time zones. This new way of developing events helps to democratize the access to information and resources, that sounds like a win to me!
Reason #2: Connections
So, you attended to a session and wanted to exchange with the others attendees or the main speaker. Direct message option is enabled as well as meetings 1:1 with others. How awesome is that? Even in a face-to-face event I can see myself missing some connections.
Reason #3: Backpack
I was a bit overwhelmed with all the sessions running simultaneously, but there's a new feature available that help you add sessions to your backpack. A great feature for the attendees experience. Now that Ignite is over you can access to Microsoft Ignite registration page and easily download your saved items (sessions, persons, speakers and more). Resources still available on demand... Nice one!
Reason #4: Community
Community makes the world go round. The hashtag #MSIgnite conquered Twitter for the entire two days. I was able to connect with lots of the speakers and attendees. Also there was a hashtag for #MSIgniteFurBuddies. How awesome is that?
Reason #5: (UP)Skills Challenge
For far my favorite part of this MSIgnite. Six challenges to help you upskill in different areas: Power Apps, Dynamics 365 Fundamentals, Azure Apps & Infrastructure, Azure Data & AI, Microsoft Teams and Security. With the first challenge completed, you´re a eligible to earn a free Microsoft Certification from the list. You can also challenge yourself into another amazing prices, like having the chance to meet a Microsoft leader 😎. Here's the link for you to check it: Microsoft Ignite Cloud Skills Challenge
So... now that I shared my #5 insight I want to share the 5 sessions you MUST watch. I'm not including Satya's keynote, because is obvious you should watch it!
#1: You + Power Platform: Be the Hero Of Your Own Story - Joe Camp and Ashlee Culmsee
#2: The Future of Work - Jared Spataro
#3: Microsoft Dynamics 365: Reimagine How You Can Meet The Needs of Tomorrow - Alysa Talyor and Muhammad Alam
#4: Careers in Tech: Aligning Skills - Gastón Cruz, Cristobal Ibarra, Alex Rostán, Javier Villegas and Ivana Tilca
#5: Enabling collaboration, communication, and knowledge sharing with Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Project Cortex, and more - Jeff Tepper
BONUS: You can´t miss this amazing session by Charles Lamanna - Build Agile Business Processes with Power Apps
What was your favorite part of Microsoft Ignite?
I read you!