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AI Models + AI prompts: CV screening with Power Apps and Power Automate

Foto del escritor: Ana Inés Urrutia Ana Inés Urrutia

During my career, I've been very lucky to find amazing human beings from whom I learn constantly. I met Denisa two years ago, we got along quite immediately and realized that beyond sharing values, we also share the same passion for tech. We came up with a solution that was born from my initial idea written in this article: CV screening with AI Builder + Power Automate + Teams. Let's say the solution I built with Denisa is the updated - cooler - complete version of this initial idea.

We basically redid the entire idea of CV parsing and included some really cool features combining all the AI features and other stuff.

We had to be realistic, and while we like to think that HR departments are already innovative and adopting tech, AI, and all of that trendy stuff, is very likely that is the area that has the least budget to invest in huge HRIS or HCM implementations. That is why we came up with this idea, where the components are indeed used day to day.

So basically the user story is the following:

AI Candidate summarization: User story
AI Candidate summarization: User story

And the process flow is the one below:

AI Candidate summarization: User story
AI Candidate summarization: User story

With this business challenge we crafted a solution architecture as shown below:

AI Candidate summarization solution architecture
AI Candidate summarization solution architecture


Solution components - find below some of the components we used for this solution:

AI Models

  • CV Recognition Model

  • AI prompt - Summarize CV


  • Candidates

Cloud flows

  • AI Builder CV Processing flow

Custom API

Custom API Request Parameter


  • Candidates

We expect, or at least hope, that somehow a feature like this is added to the Recruitment add-on and that Copilot in Dynamics 365 Human Resources is extended with solutions like this, because we know that are represent clients challenges.


If you want to learn more about the different components we used for the solution go and dive into the official Microsoft resources about each of them:



® 2025, by Ana Inés Urrutia de Souza

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